Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What my husband said....

After explaining our financial plan for the next year...
"Is that dumbed down enough for you?" I said "Did that one miss the brain to mouth filter?" He says "Well stupid enough, simple enough, whatever..."

Yeah, that didn't make the hole any shallower........

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My version of a Halloween post.......

Any of you who plan on going as some version of the walking dead.... (ex. vampire, mummy) here is how to look "moldy". Wash and dry several very fluffy things (towels, blankets etc). Wet hands, clean out dryer vent.............

Yes that would be the voice of experience.

Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Upon request.......

Here's your update Amy! So yes, I am starting on Nov 16th, (Happy Bday Kt!). My first day I have to be in the cafeteria by 7:30 -- photo ready for my badge. Ugh. Suppose I can bring coffee with me?? 3 days of hospital orientation before I start my actual assignments. I'm excited. And scared.

Some random thots that are bouncing around inside my head.

1. Why is it, when you look at something you haven't seen before you say "What is it?" Example. Kt sends me the AWESOME new business cards she made for her Personal Asst. job. I showed them to my husband and he says....."What is it?" It's a business card, I know you've NEVER seen one before........ I know what he meant was "Why do you have a business card w/ Kt's name on it" but that's not what he said.
2. I have learned this evening that some of my husband's coworkers give their wives the email/phone info for their bosses/payroll dept/etc when they are not getting results. Why can't MY husband do that? I would be THRILLED to be able to personally nag the men (why are they always men?) responsible for withholding info on our moving options.... Like "Who will move me - you or us? Will you pay for plane trips to visit? Do we still get a move bonus? Answers required in 30 mins --- bonus of food if answered in 15." Sounds perfectly logical to me.... :-)
3. Why can't I get my books back from people? And why did I think it was good to loan them in the first place?
4. New sweat/lounging pants are among the most comforting feelings in the world. I have 2 new pairs. They are heavenly!!!!!!!! Just like "fuzzy socks".
5. There are few things more satisfying than stumbling upon the best gift for someone who deserves it. I have found a gift for mom for flying up to help me drive down etc. It's something she's wanted for a long time (if you know, don't spoil it) and I'm very excited. I called to torment her w/ it tonite! :-)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Have a job, have a job, have a job job job!

So for those of you that didn't get the screaming phone call - they LOVED me at KU and I'm flying down to meet with them Friday afternoon. If all goes well and they offer me the job I'll start on Nov 2nd. I'll live w/ mom/dad and visit Kt frequently. I will have access to things that purr and things that bark. We will try to get my poor husband on TDY so he can fly down to visit. I wouldn't have to worry about driving home w/ all the Christmas stuff in the back.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

So how is everyone? I'm looking forward to a 3-day weekend for both of us - Canadian Thanksgiving. Guess what their "thanksgiving story" is? Yup, same as ours. In the same place, same Indians and settlers etc. Copycats. :-)
I am thankful for chiropractors and muscle relaxers. My back is tender and numb in spots but so far no shocking pain which is nice. I'm grateful they found someone else to wk till 5 today since I didn't want to. I'm grateful for my new Christmas present which is SO AWESOME I just cannot shut up about it :-P. Even the chiro was admiring it yesterday. I'm thankful that I have a spouse that supports me whether I work or not and cares about my health enough to nag me to take care of it. And I'm thankful it is NOT RAINING so I can walk to work today.
Hope everyone has a good rest of the week!